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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Put a lid on it!

I got back to the studio this week and started some lidded pots. I haven't made a whole lot of lidded pieces before. I've never been good at throwing the lids, but I also know I won't get better until I start throwing more lids!
So I watched a few youtube vids to get some ideas and different techniques and styles and dove in. And what do you know, I did actually start getting better at it! Why do we avoid doing things like lids and pulling handles anyway?  Practice makes perfect and all...
And, it gave me a chance to try out my new lid caliper -- It's a California Pottery Tools caliper. I like that it locks, and has a measurement ruler right on the tool so it doubles as a regular ruler too.  I remember reading someone else liked this particular tool but couldn't find one. I tried to find the blog post but struck out. If you're out there - Bailey Pottery Supply sells them here :

I still may end up getting a LidMaster (I've used the community one at the studio), but I really like the CPT tool.

I'll be back today, to hopefully trim and fit my lids and see which one fits best.

Friday, April 2, 2010

April Goals

I was back at it (again) in the studio this week. I'm to the point now that I need to see if I can establish some sort of regular schedule again. I've set a goal of two nights a week for now.

The first night was mainly experimentation. Finding out just how out of shape I am, where my skills are at, that sort of thing.  I threw 2 pieces in a little over an hour. I'm a rather slow thrower, so that wasn't terribly bad. Then I cut them down the middle to look at wall thickness, bottom, etc. They actually weren't too bad, considering I'd used the clay thats been in the bag for 3-4 months and was almost too stiff to be usable. I'd wedged some water back in, but it was still pretty bad.

The second night, new clay.  World of difference.  Actually made a couple pieces that might see the kiln.

I have some terra sig that I started in January in the garage that needs some attention. It's been settled and siphoned once, and been setting ever since. Since it's settled, I think I might try siphoning off some of the top water to shortcut the evaporation/concentration a bit. Then I want to see what it does on my pots.